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How Restorative Therapies Squelch Pain

Learn how working with a Naturopathic Doctor can reduce joint and movement pain through clinical restorative therapies

Pain is a good thing. Wait… did I just say that? It’s a good thing as it tells the brain something is wrong. I know pain can suck and can be very debilitating. Trust me, I have had my fair share in dealing with gut and joint issues for years before finding relief. Pain is there to remind us we need to seek another route, do something different, or better yet, find the root cause. If you did not feel pain after a sunburn, you might continue to get too much sun which could cause damage over time. Another example where pain is helpful, albeit annoying.

When it comes to being healthy, movement – exercise or the ability to navigate your environment – is essential. Yet, if you have chronic pain your brain tells you to move less out of protection. This leads to deleterious effects such as increased inflammation, increased weight, poor toxin removal and the list goes on. In fact, more arthritis cases are caused by too little movement than too much. It’s nearly impossible to move too much, unless of course you have an injury.

Enter clinical restorative therapies. What is this and what makes it different from physical therapy? The keyword is “restorative”. My goal is to not merely chase pain around the body and make clients feel better – that is a great side effect – rather, my goal is to find the root cause, address it, and restore the proper balance to the body. Physical therapy definitely has its place but it’s mostly designed to reduce acute pain and get the patient functional. It is not designed to end the root cause of chronic pain.

Restorative therapy on the other hand is designed to restore full range of motion, for example, to a stiff shoulder. The shoulder is a function of breathing mechanics, thoracic spine mobility, and regional muscle tone. By addressing these regional issues, we support the ailing, painful shoulder. When the shoulder is supported properly, only then can its full range of motion be restored. Once the shoulder can move in a full range, it can be strengthened which alleviates most chronic issues long term.

Before any therapy is performed, a thorough head-to-toe assessment is completed so I can understand how your entire system is functioning. Our bodies work as systems so all the systems matter. The term clinical is used as there are manual techniques required to help lengthen short muscles or release glued-down fascia. These hands-on techniques greatly enhance how quickly a structure improves its function. I then re-train the basic movement patterns to the affected region or joints. Finally, clients are given at-home therapies to continue to strengthen and improve the mobility of the affected area. This all combines for a long-term solution to chronic, nagging, irritating painful joints. Once we can restore the body’s movement capabilities, you can return to activities you love or explore a whole new world of exercise which will have profound positive impacts on your health and well-being.

Don’t chase pain; eliminate it by working with a qualified naturopathic doctor, training in physical medicine. Book a free Clarity Call to speak with Dr. Jason. 

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